Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Precious folk and lore....

The final day of our Kickstarter campaign began with this message in my inbox:

Hi Kristin! I'm a 67 year old great grandma, who has lived in and loved Maplewood for almost all of those years. I watched your video and fell in love with your book and its message, your photos and song! Here's my small pledge -(just enough to get a signed copy!)  I'm so happy for you to have passed your goal, and pray that the funds will help you succeed in being able to get your beautiful book into many, many hands and hearts. Blessings...

That is why I write words and music.  The response.  The connection.  The community.  
Thank you to many family and friends for supporting our Kickstarter.  I look forward to meeting those I don't yet know.  May this song and book project bring joy and beauty into your little corner of life, whether you are near or far. For those near, I will be at The Book House in Maplewood this Sunday afternoon 
from 3-5pm. Stop by and say hello or sing a chorus or two with us.

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